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Artist Herman Gabriel's mystical works were completed in the 1950s; however, he did not believe his paintings would be understood until the end of the 20th century. At his request, his widow, Bea Gabriel, followed his wish when she chose not to unveil them until September 20, 1998 with contemporary artist, Mardy Lemmons, in the exhibit "New Body, Old Soul: A Meeting between Two Worlds," a show at Carey McDuff Gallery of Contemporary Art in Amarillo Texas. This "Meeting of Two Worlds" theme exemplifies our purpose - to offer the gift of wisdom from all dimensions and all ages, from the ancient to the modern, from the old to the new, through various arts and healing practices.

There are astral and material elements in the ether surrounding you at all times and when you are enlightened, you can, at will, assemble these to form anything you desire......this Spiritualization of the Soul is the purpose of earth life and must be accomplished by all.

-Isis (through Bea Gabriel)

Your transformation or Spiritualization of the Soul is attained by recognizing that there is an energy or force with you. This energy is fed by your dedication to growing your lifestyle through physical, mental, emotional and spiritual practice.

During this practice, you will face your inner self, its uncertainties, its illusions, its addictions and its challenges. At some point you will discover that you have unraveled the old knots of confusion and ill health and have connected to your Higher Self and all the power and knowledge available to you. You have connected your New Body to your Old Soul.

As this new energy grows its power will introduce you to many realities and dimensions, to numerous healing modalities, to extraordinary events and endless adventures with all types of Beings, all willing to help and to heal! This is truly the alchemy of transformation!
