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- Sufi Master,18.5" x 24"
- > pastel, on paper

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- This portrait brings back musty memories of my once animated body.
- My thoughts fly back on wings of love to those who shared with me the emptiness of this planetary life.
- Inayat Khan
- ∼ Painting by Gabriel in 1950
- ∼ Message from Khan received by Bea Gabriel, 1950
- Hazrat Inayat Khan (July 5, 1882 - February 5, 1927) was the founder of Universal Sufism and the Sufi Order International.
- There is One Path, the annihilation of the false ego in the real, which raises the mortal to immortality, in which resides all perfection.
- ∼(alternative, source unknown) There is One Path, the effacement of the limited self in the Unlimited, which raises the mortal to immortality, in which resides all Perfection.
Sufi teachings (page 2)